Our Process
It takes many steps to go from original lino print to a garment you can wear everyday. Allow us to share our process with you...
It begins with the growing and gathering of plants as medicine, food and beauty. This too, is where magical moments with native wildlife take place. These connections are central to Dalee's practice as an artist and is where inspiration is born.
The imagery then emerges from Dalee's skilled hands through a process of drawing and hand carving lino. The manual nature of the carving brings the element of perfect imperfection.
Dalee's prints are then handed over to Clarey and she works them into beautiful repeat patterns. Things get technical here setting up the artwork to transfer to silk screen.
We went straight to the source that aligned the closet with our ethics. Our knitted fabrics are dyed to our custom weights and colours using all certified organic cotton and certified organic dyes, right here in Australia.
All our fabrics are screen printed by hand, by our lovely husband and wife team at Printink studios in Melbourne. All inks used are soil association approved, eco-friendly and water-based. They are also produced sustainably using 100% renewable energy and non-toxic ingredients.
Clarey has been designing and making clothing for over 20 yrs and has grown a solid following for her beautiful, functional and flattering designs which have a focus on comfort, versatility and inclusivity.
Dalee has recently learnt a new skill and cut our first garments in house. She has regular informal chats with Mr Blueberry, the electric fabric cutters.
We now have most of our pieces cut in Collingwood, Vic.
When we do smaller runs we still cut in house. This keeps us very hands on and in appreciation of our cutters in Melbourne. Its a massive job!
Clarey sewed up our debut collection pieces herself, but as the first collection sold out within hours we have now enlisted help to make our Art-to-WEAR. We are dedicated to making in Australia, so we now have machinists in Collingwood, VIC making our very special pieces. We also have local machinist, Sandie in Ocean Shores doing smaller top-up runs.
We feel lucky and grateful to have found such great partners to make our pieces.
All our packaging is made of the highest quality recycled, compostable and biodegradable materials. We even source and use plant based elastic to use in our garments. Prepare to feel very special upon receiving your garment.
Very rare in the fashion industry but for us was essential to feeling good about producing clothing.
Some of our printed fabric offcuts are made into smaller things like scrunchies and we are also exploring the possibility of an intimates range. Every other bit is sent to be recycled through Upparel, Australia’s leader in textile recovery and recycling.
All our linen scraps are being stored ready to fulfil Dalee's dream of making recycled linen paper. Eventually, once we have the equipment in place all our offcuts will be pulped and made into beautiful sheets of linen paper, ready to become the homes for original lino prints.
And it comes full circle...